Know How Effective Direct Mail is
Here are some reasons to know why Direct mail is much more effective:
More delivery – An efficient mailing list is deliverable 95% typically. On the other hand, a delivery rate of below 50%is there with the great majority of email lists being advertised.
Also, the ISPs (Gmail, Yahoo, AOL, etc) are beginning to block unsolicited emails because of constant onslaught by spammers and for this reason some are predicting the demise of email "prospecting. Your offer gets delivered with regular mails!
Long shelf life- In seconds the shelf-life of Mailing list offer is measured, while an offer via regular mail can linger on a coffee table for days.
Greater response- When searching for "new" customers, the study proves that regular mail generates more new customers than email. Direct mail being 10 to 30 times more effective than email is shown by a recent study by the DMA.
More open rate- Many emails are not even opened with the great majority of email "prospecting" campaigns. Without even peeking at the email your brand name the email recipient will either delete or transfer to the SPAM box.
Typically capturing a glance postal mail, on the other hand, is a tangible item. The receiver may not read every word, but with postal mail, your company name/brand will gain much more awareness as compared to email.
Low competition- More than ever consumers are quite bombarded with digital offers that they don't want. Direct mail represents the uncluttered option while email is the cluttered option. Your offers with postal mails will not get lost in the avalanche of competitive offers.
Safety- This one is a biggie! With the growing threat of viruses, identity theft, and SPAM, people are becoming more and more hesitant in responding to online offers... even if there are legitimate interesting offers.
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